Well in Mind: Ways to Restore Your Work-Life Balance

Identify Changes You Can Make: Look at any habits contributing to your fatigue. Nutritious meals, better sleep, and physical activity won’t make stress magically disappear, but small changes can be key to reducing fatigue and prevent burnout. 

Leave Work At Work: If you’re always on the clock, you’ll never find the time to recharge.  When it’s known you can always be reached, it can become impossible to fully “leave” work. If you’re expected to handle work concerns outside of your scheduled hours, set some clear boundaries around times you aren’t available. 

Ask For Help: When you have too much work to complete alone, an informed supervisor can help by reassigning certain tasks or finding a coworker who can assist you.  Avoid taking on responsibilities you can’t handle. 

Spend Your Free Time On Rewarding Hobbies: Challenge yourself to do something different from time to time, particularly when you feel the most drained.  Purposeful hobbies can often feel more rewarding and leave you with a sense of deeper satisfaction. 

Make A Self-Care Plan: Prioritizing physical and emotional needs is an important part of creating balance between your work and personal life. Taking good care of yourself can improve resilience and strength, making it easier to manage challenges as they come up. 

Talk with Loved Ones: Keeping stress to yourself can isolate you and make you feel worse. Friends and family may not be able to relieve your fatigue, but they can still offer support by listening. Simply knowing you have support from your loved ones can increase feelings of belonging and connection, making it easier to detach from work when the day is done. 

Break up The Monotony: An easy but monotonous workday can leave you feeling drained and mentally numb. Changing up your routine can make a big difference: Switch the order of your daily tasks, take a few minute break for a quick meditation/walk/breathing exercises, consider alternative workstations, replace your chair with an exercise ball. 

Get professional help: If you have other unexplained symptoms, including pain, changes in appetite, or stomach distress, it’s a good idea to talk with your healthcare provider to rule out other concerns.  A therapist can help you explore reasons behind tiredness accompanied by mental health symptoms, Well In Mind is here for you.  Call 815-933-2240 to schedule an appointment or to ask about your EAP benefits.