Well in Mind: PTSD Awareness

June is PTSD Awareness Month!

PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) is a mental health problem that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening event, like combat, a natural disaster, a car accident, or sexual assault. 

According to a 2015 national survey, first responders, including police officers, paramedics, emergency med techs, firefighters and emergency workers, are 10 times more likely to attempt suicide on average than other people. 

Veterans, first responders and others face traumatic events every day as part of their profession. This can include traffic or physical accidents, physical or sexual assault, mugging, robbery or family violence; mass traumatic events, severe weather events, and witnessing terrible things. Experiencing a traumatic event can impact people in different ways. One person may perceive an event as deeply traumatic, while another person does not. This is why it’s critical we all know and understand the signs and symptoms of PTSD and know what to do if someone around us is struggling.

If a person is experiencing the following symptoms 4+ weeks after a trauma, encourage professional help. 

  1. Are still very upset or fearful.
  2. Seem unable to escape intense, ongoing feelings of distress.
  3. Withdraw from family or friends and/or important relationships are suffering.
  4. Feel jumpy or have trauma-related nightmares.
  5. Can’t stop thinking about the trauma.
  6. Are unable to enjoy life at all.
  7. Have post-traumatic symptoms that are interfering with usual activities.

Well In Mind is here for you.  Call 815-933-2240 to schedule an appointmentor to ask about your EAP benefits.