Well In Mind Intensive Resilience Program Pilot Program

This program is a call to action! Only you can change your health through new awareness and behavior changes.

Do you want to be confident, focused, and energetic?
Do you want to be content, patient, and flexible?
Do you want deep, meaningful relationships in your life?
Do you want to feel more engaged in your work and personal life?

If so, it’s time to set your trajectory in a new direction and begin to live to your highest potential.

Without energy, commitment, sincerity, and a sense of hope for a new beginning, there will be no change. With support and intention, we know that you can do it! We have faith in you. But the more important question is whether YOU have faith that you can create a new path forward. Only you can answer this question.

Please see application for program details and tentative timeline.

We are seeking out employees who are dedicated to improving their mental, physical, emotional well-being. This program will provide you the tools and resources to reduce sleep issues, depression, anxiety, burnout, and compassion fatigue. while enhancing joy, sense of purpose and meaning, and sense of control over your life.

Call Laura Hogan at x35596 with questions.