Well in Mind: Happiness During Difficult Times
  1. Happiness itself can bring about a lot of positive life circumstances. It can give us the tools we need to change structures sand change situations in the world. Focusing on our own happiness can give us the resilience we need to change situations both in our personal lives and on a larger scale.
  2. We can harness the toughness to experience the power of post-traumatic growth. By surviving a particularly tough scenario, we learn to appreciate what is truly meaningful and important in life and better prepare us to face future adversity.
  3. If we want to be happier during times of stress, we need to use a special mechanism of protecting ourselves, and we can do that through social connection. Even if Zoom calls are not your favorite, connecting socially is an important protective factor against loneliness and isolation.
  4. The studies on happiness suggest that happiness comes from focusing on other-people. Helping others, especially during times of crisis, makes us feel good and gives us a sense of purpose. *However, make sure you are not giving from an empty cup!
  5. If we want to be happier and if we want to protect our willpower and get more resilient and even improve our performance, we need to harness the power of gratitude. Acknowledging even the little things that we appreciate can improve our overall wellbeing and boost our emotional resilience. Start by writing down 3-5 things that you’re grateful for each day.
  6. If we want to be happy, we need to find ways to be in the present moment, even if that present moment is unpleasant. We spent 46.9% of our day with our minds wandering. Engaging in mindfulness helps us to focus on the present, which enhances productivity and sense of well-being by improving our stress response.
  7. If we want to protect ourselves during tough times, we need to make room for healthy practices. It can feel overwhelming to have to put extra effort into eating healthy and working out, but the reality is that these are the times we need it the most. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and improve mental well-being. Instead of asking yourself “what sounds good”, practice asking “What will be good for me in bringing me back to balance?”

Well In Mind is here for you.  Call 815-933-2240 to schedule an appointment or to ask about your EAP benefits.