Well in Mind: 3 Ways Morning Routines Improve Your Well Being

What matters for well-being isn’t how early you get up, but what you do once you’re out of bed.  A disorganized morning sets the tone for a disorganized day.  A well-structured morning routine can set you up for a day of productivity, confidence, health, and satisfaction.  Here are the ways morning routines can improve your well-being:    

  1. Better Nutrition:  Hunger can result in brain fog and slow production. A nutritious breakfast can provide the physical and mental fuel to kick off the day energetically.  A lack of adequate nutrition early in the day can lead to compensating at lunch with heavier meals, causing even more fatigue and mental sluggishness. People who eat nutritious breakfast’s rich in fiber, protein, healthy fat, and fruits or vegetables tend to eat better and be more active throughout the day.
  2. Regular Exercise:  Not everyone is going to be able to jump out of bed and hit the gym. But even a 15-minute yoga session or a quick walk around the neighborhood can increase a person’s alertness and focus, setting the tone for the entire day.  Mornings can be the best time for exercise because there are fewer distractions, it gives you an early-day energy boost, you start the day with a positive accomplishment, and it leads to healthier food choices.
  3. Centered Minds and Balanced Emotions:  As the workday progresses, your mind becomes more and more cluttered with thoughts about deadlines, meetings, responding to messages, solving problems, and everything else your work entails. Additionally, we often show up to work with our minds already brimming with family issues, reflections on the prior day’s events, and plans for the evening.  A quick meditation exercise in the morning can focus the mind and emotions, pushing away unhelpful distractions and reprioritizing life’s many demands. A few minutes before breakfast or before sitting down at your desk can make a world of difference. 

Well In Mind is here for you.  Call 815-933-2240 to schedule an appointment or to ask about your EAP benefits.