The Fruit and Veggie Challenge Begins April 1!

The Fruit and Veggie Challenge begins April 1!

Backyard gardens, farmers markets and even the produce section of grocery stores are brimming with colorful produce. Fruits and vegetables of all kinds supply unique nutritional advantages that are beneficial to your health.

To complete the challenge and earn 25 Healthy Habit Points toward your Level 3 Incentive, you must record 80 servings of fruits and veggies before the challenge ends on April 28. You will have until May 5 to report for the previous week’s servings.

You can record your servings on your desktop or mobile device. Visit to log in and begin recording your servings on April 1!

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Username: first name + last name (johnsmith)
Password: date of birth (mmddyyyy)

You will be asked to change your password after logging in.

Returning Website Users: Sign in using the username and password you’ve already established.