Retrain Your Brain: Week 3

Welcome the third week of the Retrain Your Brain Challenge!

Featured Challenge: Mindfulness Videos
Log into the REACH portal to watch one of five short relaxation videos with calming visuals and different guided lessons on mindfulness. Don’t forget to check out the other four activities available this week, too!

Your Occipital Lobes

The mindfulness videos this week engage your occipital lobes that:

  • Manage your visual interpretation

Stress Tip: Take a few moments throughout the day to practice mindfulness.
Practicing mindfulness hones our attention for detail and encourages us to stay focused and efficient, which reduces the stress we encounter each day.

Before you even get out of bed:

  • Take a few deep breaths to allow your body to transition from slumber to wakefulness and set the tone with a relaxed approach to your day.
  • Determine a small goal or intention for the day.

In the afternoon:

  • Pause for a moment or two to notice how you’re feeling and see if you can adjust things like your posture or grab a drink of water away from your workspace to give your eyes a rest.

Before you go to sleep:

  • Take a second to stretch out any muscles that might be tight and try to let go of your day. After all, tomorrow is a fresh start.

Log in at Select the different sections of the brain to complete the daily activities. Earn one point per activity, for a maximum of five points each day.

Collect 70 points to complete the challenge before Oct. 31.