National PA Week 2021

October 6 – 12 is National PA Week and this year it is especially significant as it falls during a global pandemic. PAs have stepped up in major ways, including serving on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response. Whatever your specialty or setting, you have put your health at risk every day to care for your patients.

During this challenging time, PAs have not only proven themselves as flexible, adaptable, and collaborative – but also ESSENTIAL. Essential to healthcare. Essential to patients.

Riverside Healthcare has eight PAs:
Davina Betts, PA-C
Karim Bouferrache, PA-C
Kyle Denny, PA-C
Andrew Donofrio, PA-C
Carly Kaminke, PA-C
Rita Kuseliauskas, PA-C
Karie Prokop, PA-C
Lori Williams, PA-C