A Kind Letter as We Enter the New Year

Staneeda Ware, an x-ray tech/medical assistant in the Pavilion, sent the wrote the letter below and distributed it to fellow Riverside employees. This is a wonderful reminder that as we enter 2023, the Riverside family remains strong and is here for one another through any obstacle or challenge.

“This year I wanted to do something different. I know the past couple of years have been hectic with the pandemic. I know we get busy between work and our families. Sometimes we may be having a bad day, week or month and don’t know how to shake it off. It’s ok. It’s ok not to be ok sometimes. A simple hello, nod or wave can make someone feel better. I thank you all for those simple gestures. Some of you we have had conversations on more than one occasion. Either way, you have made an impact. I just want to simply thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am a firm believer of giving people their roses while they are here. It’s not much but I just want to say I wish you all the best in love, health and wealth. I wish and pray for safe travels to and from your destination. I hope you guys enjoy this Christmas holiday and I wish you a Happy New Year. For some of you, you may be like ‘who is Staneeda (Needa)??’ LOL. I am the x-ray tech/medical assistant who works on either side of this office in the Kankakee Immediate Care. Each and every one of you are amazing and I am glad that I work with you guys (not directly) but you get what I’m saying. Thank you, guys, when you include our department when there is food. Your team is always helpful. I appreciate that.”

Be Blessed

Staneeda (Needa)