New OLIE Course - Mental Health Awareness

Riverside’s Behavioral Medicine Department sponsored an online training on Mental Health Awareness presented by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (course overview below). 

They have now made available a video of this course is via OLIE to view on demand. To view, log into OLIE and search under; NAMI. It will be the first course that appears in your search results, and the name is: National Alliance of Mental Illness Webinar – Mental Health Awareness (course code CLNBEH314). 

The first step to supporting your own and others’ mental health is awareness. This training will provide a foundation of knowledge on mental health & wellness. We will share resources, dive deep into the definition of wellness, learn how to recognize when someone is struggling, and identify ways to be supportive. Attendees will also leave the session with wellness strategies to better manage stress and engage in self-care. 

 Lastly, to reduce the stigma around mental health, a NAMI Chicago Ambassador will share their story of hope and recovery.

Note: This video is two hours in length but does allow you to stop and start as needed to view it. It may be slow to load based on your Internet connection due to the file size.