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Assist Fellow Employees in Need

Thanks to Riverside staff who collectively and generously sponsored the first full year of the Employee Food Pantry in 2020. Help us continue to fight food insecurity for fellow employees in 2021.

Will you consider leading a drive with your work team? Contact [email protected] to let us know & for any questions.

The Riverside Employee Food Pantry is stocked thanks to donations to the Partners in Caring Fund. Many departments have opted to collect monetary donations or simply collect non-perishables that will stock the shelves! Approximately $250 covers a week worth of groceries and a list of high need non-perishables is below.

Riverside Employee Food Pantry focuses on healthy options like canned fruits, veggies, meats like chicken and tuna, and beans. We also have a lot of demand on peanut butter, pasta and sauces, and breakfast items like oatmeal packets, cereal, or granola bars. We can also collect personal hygiene items.

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